July 19, 2010


PGA Professional John King, Saugahatchee Country Club General Manager and Director of Instruction, was recently featured on WLTZ News for a six part series teaching the basics of golf. Click on each link to view the broadcasts:

PART 1 - Putting

PART 2 - Chipping

PART 3 - Bunker Play

PART 4 - Iron Play

PART 5 - Driver

PART 6 - Recap
Does your golf game need improvement?
Join us for Thursday Evening Adult Golf Clinic!
Every Thursday at 5:30 p.m.

John King will be leading the clinic for adults every week to help you improve your golf skills! Video, full swing, short game, green reading, on course and rules will be covered along with other aspects of the game. $15 per week or $50 month.
Sign up in the Pro Shop or call 334-749-4342.

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