November 16, 2010

Auburn VS. Alabama


The bus trip to Tuscaloosa is on! After speaking with highway troopers and University personnel, it has been determined that up to 1 hour should be added to the regular travel time due to the overwhelming popularity of the game, and also because it falls on Black Friday. Traffic will definitely be heavy en route! With that in mind we will leave earlier than first projected. The bus will be at the Club at 5:30 am - and will depart at 5:45 am. We are teaming up with the Auburn Alumni and will be following their buses - including Auburn's marching band's bus for a carvan up to the game. Their buses are departing at 6:15 am from Beard Eaves Memorial parking lot so we MUST leave Saugahatchee on time. We are expected to arrive at Tuscaloosa by 10:45 am in time for the Tiger Walk at Gate 20 at 11:15 am. Kick-off is at 1:30 pm. The bus will leave Tuscaloosa 1 hour after the game ends, returning to Saugahatchee Country Club.

If you or someone you knows wants to ride along we have room! Cost is $60 each. Call 749-3441 to reserve your space.

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